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By the end of the 1800s the buildings in downtown looked much like they do today but the mix of businesses was different. There were grocery stores, dry goods stores, butchers, bakeries, fruits and vegetables vendors and flour mills. Allhouse, Globe, Porter’s, Bradley’s and other family groceries served the community until 1918 when Fisher Foods opened. Locally owned groceries were slowly replaced by chain stores in larger spaces.

The last family grocery store, Greenaway’s on Bell St., closed in the 1960s. When the Shopping Plaza was built in 1959 Fisher Foods and A&P moved into the Plaza. A health food store and Mazzulo’s replaced them. Later, the space in the Plaza was reconfigured to make one large grocery store and a large drugstore. Giant Eagle operated in the space for years and then closed leaving the village without a grocery for the first time since the 1850s. In 2017 the Heinen brothers opened a Heinen’s grocery in this space.

Photo for Groceries
Byron Huggett’s grocery at 151 Bell St. It later became Greenaway’s grocery.
Photo for Groceries
Interior of Porter’s grocery store on the west side of N. Main St. just north of River St. It was opened in 1912 and was in that location for many years.
Photo for Groceries
T. Bradley & Son grocery store at 44 N. Main St. circa 1890.
Photo for Groceries
Fisher Brothers Grocery Truck delivering merchandise to their first store in Chagrin Falls at 27 N. Franklin St. Fishers had stores in many different locations over the years.

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