1800s Wooden Tools

One definition of a tool is, “an instrument used or worked by hand”. This definitely fits the description of an 1800s tool. Tools from this period were individually made by a craftsman rather than being produced on a production line.
The collection includes homemaking and farm tools that villagers used in their daily life as well as some made by craftsmen. A ‘cooper’ made barrels, buckets or casks. For the man of the house we have beautifully crafted wooden grain shovels, hay rakes, wooden buckets, augers, scythes, mallets and pulleys.
There are tools for the homemaker also, such as the spinning wheel, yarn winder, “combs” to clean the wool or flax before spinning it into yarn or thread. The collection includes washboards, paddles, butter bowls and butter molds. The butter molds were made in Chagrin Falls and one of the wooden mallets in the collection was used by John Huggett when building the Main Street Bridge.